How to make a popup automatically appear after zoom?
Thank you for your interest in our JavaScript Hooks and APIs. With our tools, you can easily make your map automatically show a popup when a user clicks a state. Here's how to do it:
Copy and paste the following script into your HTML document:
<script> simplemaps_usmap.mapdata.main_settings.popups = 'on_click'; simplemaps_usmap.mapdata.main_settings.all_states_zoomable = 'yes'; var last_zoomed = ''; simplemaps_usmap.hooks.zoomable_click_state = function(id) { last_zoomed = id; } simplemaps_usmap.hooks.zooming_complete = function() { if (simplemaps_usmap.zoom_level == 'state' && last_zoomed) { simplemaps_usmap.popup('state', last_zoomed); } } </script>
That's it! Your map will now display a popup with custom content when a user clicks on a state. For more information on our JavaScript Hooks and APIs, please visit our documentation pages:
If you have any questions or need further assistance, our customer support team is always here to help. Please don't hesitate to reach out to us.